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The Magellanic Clouds outer regions | Dr. Adriano Pieres (UFRGS)

Data: 21.07.2016

Palestrante: Dr. Adriano Pieres (UFRGS)

Link: https://youtu.be/yEcJ1BCyNn0

Resumo: The Magellanic Clouds (composed by the Large and the Small Magellanic Cloud) are the most luminous and largest dwarf galaxies satellites of the Milky Way. In its first infall towards the Galaxy, they are a rich laboratory to study the star formation, the galactic evolution and its geometry. The Magellanic Clouds present a strong interaction between LMC-SMC in the last Gyrs, forming the Magellanic Bridge (a bridge of gas, stars and clusters linking SMC and LMC) and the Magellanic Stream (a gas strip spanning at least 200 degrees on the sky). In this talk, beyond a brief review of Magellanic System I will present our main results about the outer LMC star clusters covered by Dark Energy Survey: the discovery of 28 new clusters, the age distribution and the age-metallicity relationship for a sample of 117 clusters.