Assista aos webinars realizados pelo LIneA. Temas relevantes são apresentados por profissionais respeitados em seu campo de atuação, como professores, pesquisadores e cientistas, nacionais e internacionais.
Assista aos webinars realizados pelo LIneA. Temas relevantes são apresentados por profissionais respeitados em seu campo de atuação, como professores, pesquisadores e cientistas, nacionais e internacionais.
Data: 06.06.2024 Palestrante: Dr. Paulo Assunção (Las Campanas Observatory) Link: Resumo: A fotografia permeia nossa vida cotidiana e hoje é mais acessível do que nunca com a fotografia digital. Em tempos de redes sociais, vemos diariamente centenas de imagens; tudo registramos e compartilhamos. Praticamente todos possuem uma câmera no bolso. Porém, podemos utilizar esses […]
Data: 02.05.2024 Palestrante: Prof. Ofer Lahav (UCL) Link: Resumo: Could Macine Learning(ML) make fundamental discoveries and tackle unsolved problems in Cosmology? To test further and understand the Λ & Cold Dark Matter model, large new surveys of billions of galaxies (e.g. DESI, Euclid, LSST-Rubin) and other probes require new statistical approaches. In recent years […]
Data: 07.12.2023 Palestrante: Dr. Henry Ferguson (Space Telescope Science Institute) Link: Resumo: The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is a 2.4 m telescope to be launched to L2 in late 2026.The instrumentation includes a wide-field imager (WFI) — also capable of slitless spectroscopy — and a coronagraph. The wide-field imager has a field of […]
Data: 28.09.2023 Palestrante: Dr. Valerio Carruba (UNESP) Link: Resumo: Linear secular resonances happen when there is a commensurability between the precession frequency of the pericenter, g, or longitude of the node, s, of an asteroid and a planet. Non-linear resonances are higher-order combinations of these frequencies. We studied the three most diffusive g-type non-linear […]
Data: 14.09.2023 Palestrante: Dr. Or Graur (University of Portsmouth) Link: Resumo: The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and other large-scale spectroscopic galaxy surveys collect hundreds of thousands of galaxy spectra. The collaborations behind these survey use their data mostly for cosmology and galaxy studies. In my talk, I will show how the same data […]
Data: 25.05.2023 Palestrante: Dr. Bhuv Jain (University of Pennsylvania) Link: Resumo: The measured expansion rate of the universe is faster than expected from the standard model of cosmology (when calibrated to the early universe). Independent of this ‘cosmic expansion puzzle’, the growth of large-scale structure also appears slower than expected. I will summarize the […]