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An Overview of the LSST Science Collaborations | Dr. Lucianne Walkowicz (Adler Planetarium/LSST)

Data: 06.10.2016

Palestrante: Dr. Lucianne Walkowicz (Adler Planetarium – LSST Science Collaboration Coordinator)

Link: https://youtu.be/rvX6bFFu1wU

Resumo: The LSST Science Collaborations are topical working groups of international scientists, who work together to provide scientifically-motivated feedback to survey implementation, develop software and data products to enable LSST science, and organize follow-up and analysis resources in preparation for LSST\\’s first light. In this talk, I will discuss the structure of the science collaborations, their current activities, and how new LSST members can join the thriving collaboration community.