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Effects of coeval formation of supermassive back holes on box/peanut bulges | Dr. Monica Valluri (University of Michigan)

Data: 25.08.2022

Palestrante: Dr. Monica Valluri (University of Michigan)

Link: https://youtu.be/x-ZHAM4qtWs

Resumo: Stellar bars are found in over 60% of disk galaxies in the local Universe and supermassive black holes (SMBH) are ubiquitous in most massive galaxies. Since bars can transport angular momentum outwards they have long been favored as a means to feed and grow SMBH. A previous generation of N-body simulations found that if a black hole grows in a barred galaxy after the bar forms and attains equilibrium, the SMBH weakens the bar. We find, on the contrary, that if an SMBH forms prior to the formation of the bar, or coevolves with it, it can strengthen both the bar and the boxy/peanut/X (BP/X) shaped bulge. We uses frequency analysis to uncover the role of resonances in the growth of the BP/X shape. We concluded that an SMBH that coevolves with the bar influences the dynamics well outside its nominal sphere-of-influence.