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Using cross correlations for calibrating cosmology in with photometric redsfhit surveys | Dr. Filipe Abdalla (University College London)

Data: 28.04.2016

Palestrante: Dr. Filipe Abdalla (University College London)

Link: https://youtu.be/Y-OHJy8x2ws

Resumo: Using photometric redsfhits can be a very statistically useful comsological probe for large scale structure. I will show how we shoudl be able to make great advances in this area by in order to measure the neutrino mass. However calibration of the order of 10^-3 has to be achieved otherwise there will be a large cosmological bias. I will show how to perform a joint analysis in order to calibrate fully the photometric redsfhit sfor the next geenration of data including the Dark nenergy survey and Euclid.