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Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Small scale anisotropic galaxy clustering and the pairwise velocity dispersion of galaxies | Dr. Jonathan Loveday (University of Sussex)

Data: 09.06.2016

Palestrante: Dr. Jonathan Loveday (University of Sussex)

Link: https://youtu.be/Y2-6b8siT9g

Resumo: The Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey provides an unprecedented database for detailed study of galaxies in the nearby (z < 0.5) Universe by combining imaging data from UV to radio and highly-complete spectroscopy to r = 19.8 mag. I will briefly summarise the current status of the GAMA survey and present some key results. I will then describe some work in progress to characterise the galaxy pairwise velocity dispersion to smaller scales than has hitherto been possible, and how such measurements may in future place stringent constraints on modified gravity models.