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The LSST Informatics and Statistics Science Collaboration: Activity at the SAMSI ASTRO Program | Dr. Tom Loredo (Cornell University) & Dr. Ashish Mahabal (Caltech)

Data: 17.11.2016

Palestrante: Dr. Tom Loredo (Cornell University) & Dr. Ashish Mahabal (Caltech)

Link: https://youtu.be/bPD2VDHpVUM

Resumo: We will describe activity taking place as part of the year-long Program on Statistical, Mathematical and Computational Methods for Astronomy (ASTRO) at the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI). ASTRO hosts five working groups covering several topics in astrostatistics relevant to LSST science. We will provide an overview of activity in WG2 (Synoptic Time Domain Surveys), WG3 (Multivariate and Irregularly Sampled Time Series), and WG4 (Astrophysical Populations). WG2 has a number of subgroups covering setting up a data challenge, light-curve decomposition, incorporating ancillary information, outlier detection etc.. WG3 is covering time series topics arising in gravitational wave, exoplanet, and synoptic survey astronomy. WG4 is so far focusing on population studies for exoplanets, but is also covering science and methods relevant to LSST. An interesting area of overlap between WG3 and WG4 is the statistical area of functional data analysis (FDA): how to do statistics with populations of functions, rather than of scalars or small, fixed-length vectors (as in luminosity function estimation). Working Groups mostly meet remotely; some subgroups will become active only after the New Year, providing opportunities for new participants to join in some areas. Ashish Mahabal (Caltech) and Tom Loredo (Cornell University)