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The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope | Dr. Henry Ferguson (Space Telescope Science Institute)

Data: 07.12.2023

Palestrante: Dr. Henry Ferguson (Space Telescope Science Institute)

Link: https://youtube.com/live/gzbpKuLfsDQ


The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is a 2.4 m telescope to be launched to L2 in late 2026.
The instrumentation includes a wide-field imager (WFI) — also capable of slitless spectroscopy — and a coronagraph. The wide-field imager has a field of view 200 times larger than Hubble’s WFC3-IR camera, and is sensitive from 0.5 to 2 microns. The optical coronagraph (CGI) uses deformable mirrors to allow detection of exoplanets a billion times fainter than their parent stars. The core science mission for the WFI includes constraining cosmological parameters via weak lensing, supernovae, and baryon acoustic oscillations, and detecting exoplanets in the Galatic Bulge via microlensing. The CGI is considered a technology demonstration instrument capable of obtaining direct images of Jupiter-like planets orbiting nearby stars. There is a community process for defining the observing strategy for the core surveys. 25% of the observing time will be available for general-astrophysics surveys. Roman data will be publicly available worldwide. A cloud-based science platform will provide computing with high-bandwidth access to the data.