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The SAGA Survey: Exploring Satellite Galaxies Around Milky Way Analogs | Dr. Marla Geha (Yale University)

Data: 04.08.2022

Palestrante: Dr. Marla Geha (Yale University)

Link: https://youtu.be/nRCPfzy2pZ4

Slides: https://linea.org.br/wp-content/uploads/lineadbfiles/apresentacao/Geha_Slides.pdf


The Milky Way’s satellite galaxies provide critical clues to how low mass galaxies form and the nature of dark matter. Yet the Milky Way itself is a single realization of a Milky Way-mass galaxy halo. I will review recent studies of the Milky Way’s satellite population and work to put the Milky Way’s satellite galaxies in context, highlighting the SAGA Survey. The SAGA Survey aims to measure the distribution of satellite galaxies around 100 systems analogous to the Milky Way down to the luminosity of the Leo I dwarf galaxy. I will discuss results on the quenched fraction of satellites, luminosity functions, radial distributions and more, comparing to the Milky Way itself and predictions from simulation.