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Understanding intrinsic galaxy alignments for weak lensing cosmology | Dr. Danielle Leonard (Newcastle University)

Data: 23.06.2022

Palestrante: Dr. Danielle Leonard (Newcastle University)

Link: https://youtu.be/UMuwBB8DqNE

Slides: https://linea.org.br/wp-content/uploads/lineadbfiles/apresentacao/LineA_June2022.pdf

Resumo: Weak gravitational lensing measurements are a key cosmological observable of current and upcoming large-scale imaging surveys. We typically measure weak lensing via the statistical correlations it induces in projected galaxy shapes and orientations. However, similar correlations can also be induced by other, local effects including tidal forces and galaxy evolution history. Though these correlations, known as intrinsic alignments, are generally subdominant to lensing, the incredible precision of upcoming surveys such as Euclid and the Rubin Observatory\’s LSST demands their careful treatment in order to avoid biasing cosmological results. In this talk, I will first review some basics of intrinsic alignments, then discuss ongoing work towards ensuring cosmological analyses are robust to this effect in current and upcoming surveys.